Common Problems With Teeth and What to Do About Them

A vast assortment of teeth problems occurs in people of all ages. The good news is that various branches of dentistry exist to help people with their issues. The following are four common issues that arise with the teeth and some information on the type of dentistry specialist who can assist with them:

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is perhaps the most common problem with teeth. It occurs more in people who have genetic dispositions and health issues. However, it also happens to people who exercise poor dental hygiene habits. You don’t need to fret if it happens to you, however. You can contact a general dentistry practitioner. This type of specialist will examine your teeth and try to come up with the least invasive solution. He or she may recommend that you get fillings if the cavities are small enough. Otherwise, you may want to consider getting a root canal or having an extraction. The examination will give the dentist an idea about the extent of the damage. 


Many people also have issues with tooth misalignment. Genetics usually plays a role in it, though thumbsucking and other bad habits can contribute to it. The most common misalignment problems are overbites, underbites, crowding, and gapping. The work necessary to resolve those issues usually involves a CO orthodontist Arvada specialist. You can schedule a consultation with the provider, and he or she can inform you of the root of your problem and then offer solutions to help you resolve it. 

Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can happen as a consequence of tooth decay, or they can occur in a fight or accident. Cosmetic dentists are usually the best helpers in this type of situation. They can offer a variety of solutions, such as partial dentures, dental implants, and the like. The solution you choose will depend on your budget and the look you’re trying to achieve. You can rest assured that there are many options available for you. You will have a beautiful smile and a strong jawline again in no time. 


Tooth discoloration is also a common problem for many people. It occurs for a variety of reasons, including excessive coffee and tea consumption. A small number of people have discoloration issues because of medication and health issues. Cosmetic dentists can assist with these problems in various ways. They can help an individual by performing a teeth whitening procedure if that person desires such a procedure. They can also use dental veneers if the client doesn’t respond well to teeth whitening. Dental veneers are thin covers that a dentist can glue onto the teeth to slightly change the look or color of the teeth. You may want to consider one of those strategies if you’re having an issue with tooth discoloration. 

There’s Hope for Teeth Restoration

You now know that numerous specialists and processes are available to you if you need them. All you need to do is reach out to the appropriate provider to get the help you need. 

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