The Three Dimensions of Wellness

Wellness is generally defined as actively pursuing a condition of good health. While there are varying definitions of wellness available, most of them focus solely on physical health as an indicator of wellness. Today, many innovative health professionals tend to lean toward the idea that overall wellness includes at least the following three areas: physical, mental and spiritual.

1. Physical

The dimension of physical health certainly demands that your body is free from pain. If you’re experiencing any type of discomfort, pain management Loveland CO services are available to help you alleviate pain. Fibromyalgia and arthritis are common conditions that lead to chronic pain; however, there are ways to combat them. Healthy physical behaviors include exercising daily, getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods and avoiding risky behaviors such as smoking and not wearing seat belts.

2. Mental

Mental health is also important to your overall well-being. Your mind needs to be challenged, exercised and inspired. Intellectual wellness includes participating in activities that are creative and stimulating. Some ideas to improve your mental health include taking a new course, reading, staying informed about current events and learning a new language.

3. Spiritual

Many people overlook the importance of spiritual health when it comes to wellness. Spiritual health includes the principles and values that guide your life. People who possess a high level of spiritual wellness tend to rely on faith and hope that things will improve when situations are difficult. Spirituality gives a person meaning and purpose. Spirituality looks to different to each person; however, some ideas to improve spiritual wellness are meditation, listening with your heart and seeing challenges as a way to grow.

The three main dimensions of wellness include physical, mental and spiritual. It’s important to take care of these three areas in order to achieve overall wellness.

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